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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  December 12, 2011 3:00am-4:00am PST

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this morning on "world news now" -- a front-runner fallout. newt gingrich's comments at the iowa gop debate rattle some fellow republicans. >> and it could cost him politically as party members express concern and refuse to endorse him. it's monday, december 12th. good monday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm sunny hostin. gingrich surged in the polls. what he is saying during debates and campaign appearances are apparently reopening old political wounds with fellow republicans. is this politics as usual or a sign of political infighting? >> it will be a bruising battle
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to the finish line. he is a controversial figure. expect there to be a lot of stuff. and the front-runner after the big debate saturday night. also this morning, a south florida man captures his own shooting on his iphone video camera. he was afraid something might happen when he stopped at a his soon to be ex-mother-in-law's house. sure enough, she is now accused of shooting him. a smart guy to have the phone. >> you can videotape anything these days. >> he felt something was going to happen, and it did. and later, today could be a billion-dollar day for online retailers, and holiday shopping boom is having quite an impact on the shipping business. will you be heading to fed-ex or the post office today? >> two weeks to go before christmas. crunch time. get it out there. >> all right. first, newt gingrich as we said, facing fire this morning. not from democrats though from members of his own party. >> top republicans fear the former house speaker is not presidential material. with more on "your voice, your vote,"
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here is abc's david kerley. >> i'm proud -- >> reporter: with the decent debate performance, many republicans are worried about newt gingrich and they're going public. representative peter king from new york. >> i saw the damage he did to the republican party and to the congress. i think i owe it to my constituents and country not to let that happen again. if he did that as speaker i'm concerned what he would do as nominee for president. >> reporter: not just one republican, former colleague. many have been speaking out >> tom davis served and was promoted by gingrich but won't give him his endorsement. >> some republicans told me this is a guy who couldn't run the house of representatives. how will he run the country? >> you can say a lot of things, sometimes ruled with an iron fist. you can't say he was a bad
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speaker. >> he took the republicans to the promised land out of 40 years out of power. >> complaints -- gingrich had a million ideas. many were a distraction. he lacked discipline and often put himself before the party. some republican were fed up, there was a coup led by house member lindsay graham in the late 90s failed. graham said gingrich matured but won't get his endorsement. >> i think he's -- uh, leveled out as a person. all of us -- even his worst critics will say newt is a guy that can hold a room. >> reporter: i spoke to many republicans critical of gingrich. many would not go on camera. why? they believe gingrich could win the nomination and seek retaliation. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> wow. >> you don't want to talk too much trash about the guy who could end up be the nominee and possibly the president. >> i'm surprise they'd think he will be vindictive enough to go after them. >> they know politics is a dirty enough game anything is possible. he's been smart. nutd has handled criticism well. he said, look, i have one opponent. that's president obama. maybe a smart tactic. >> he's been in politics long enough.
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>> an insider. in more political news, as the democrats wait to see who will emerge as the republican candidate. president bush is laying out his argument for a second term. speaking last night on "60 minutes," mr. obama said bluntly if voters believe in the republican agenda of lower taxes even for the wealthy and weaker regulations, then he will lose. >> i don't think that's where the american people are going to go because i don't think the american people believe that -- based on what they have seen before that is going to work. >> the president says it doesn't matter who the republicans put up to challenge him since all candidates share a core belief that is in sharp contrast to his own. a florida grandmother is >> a florida grandmother is facing attempted murder charges accused of shooting her son-in-law. all part of a bitter custody battle. and the violent confrontation was captured on the victim's iphone. we get the latest from wplg's kelly butler. ♪
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>> reporter: this is what residents in this neighborhood like to hear this time of year, the sound of christmas carolers going door to door. [ gunshots ] >> reporter: but this is what it sounded like wednesday afternoon as salvador mcleeno was shot at allegedly by his mother in law. in the rib cage and the shoulder. >> i can't believe you did that! i can't believe you did that! what, are you crazy? [ bleep ] >> you [ bleep ] -- >> you shot me! >> reporter: he was at the tamarack home of his in-laws to pick up his 3-year-old son. his mother-in-law brought the boy's pillow and bag outside and asked him to step inside to speak with her husband. when he refused she allegedly squeezed off three rounds. [ gunshots ] [ screams ] >> reporter: he told the 911 operator he expected trouble at the house. >> reporter: i recorded -- i knew something would happen. >> reporter: the mother-in-law, 66-year-old cheryl hepner, told
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her own story to an emergency dispatcher saying it was mcleeno that shot. >> he's going to say that i did this -- he's such a [ bleep ]. >> reporter: her daughter and son-in-law have been locked in a nasty divorce and custody battle. still neighbors out here wonder how a family feud could ever get to this ugly. >> families have problems but don't usually go that far. >> i'm shocked at that. imagine if he hadn't caught it on the camera. >> he has evidence. a good thing. he survived his injuries. doing okay. checked out of the hospital. sad part, a 3-year-old little boy in the middle. adults always screw up. remember the kid. shooting daddy may not be in the best interest. >> never in the best interests of anyone. >> glad he made it out okay. all right. shifting gears, a new development in the penn state sex abuse scandal. claims by assistant coach who first blew the whistle on jerry sandusky are being called into question. mike mcqueary had told investigators and the grand jury he witnessed sandusky molesting a boy in the
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shower. but mcqueary told a family friend a different story. he said that he only heard what was going on in the shower but actually did not see anything sexual. milwaukee brewers slugger ryan braun is fighting a 50-game spoing suspension over allegations he's used performance enhancing drugs. the national league mvp tested positive for elevated testosterone, synthetic. a spokesman says there are highly unusual circumstances supporting braun's innocence. last spring the team extended his contract through 2020. and the world of college basketball is still reeling from a bloody, bench-clearing brawl involving ohio's cincinnati university and xavier. both schools have suspended their players. >> reporter: a black eye for college sports, literally. college basketball, and an all out melee as the game winds
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down. benches clear, fists fly and blood gushes from a center's face. it is so out of hand the game is called with second on the clock. boys being boys? the heat of battle? or something a lot worse? >> the brawl is so bad, got a player bleeding. that's bad. you wonder, in some ways, is sportsmanship dead or dying. >> reporter: as bad as the flying fists were, consider what happens after the game. xavier lets players speak at a press conference presumably with cooler head and humble hearts. surely the university regrets these statements. >> we got disrespected a little bit before the game. guys calling us out. we got a whole bunch of gangsters in the locker room, not thugs but tough guys. we went out and zipped them up. >> reporter: saturday's game and press conference, the latest in a string of high-profile incidents that show sportsmanship on the ropes. a detroit lions player earned a two-game suspension for stomping on a green bay packer on the ground. over the summer the georgetown basketball team went toe to toe
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against a chinese team. not exactly the aim of a ten-day goodwill tour. maybe most disturbing, the bad sportsmanship trickling down to our kids. this viral video shows a youth football referee in florida getting attacked by three coaches to be slammed to the turf by a kid player. the frequency and severity of incidents are troubling. tough words from cincinnati's head coach following the basket brawl. >> if my players don't act the right game they will never play another game at cincinnati. >> reporter: videotape will be analyzed to see who threw the first punches as the question will linger -- is sportsmanship itself under assault. john muller, abc news, new york. >> wow. sports gets heated. tempers flare. it's intense. no excuse. that's sad. >> i think it is ridiculous. i'm floored there are so many examples. i was watching that with my mouth open. >> the whole time.
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xavier's coach, chris mackey, gave a press conference talking and got emotional. saying i have to go home and explain this to my young daughters what happened. a bad situation all the way around. >> just ugly. >> players have been suspended. they're paying the price as they always do. maybe have a career in boxing if basketball doesn't work out. >> yeah. here's a look at your monday forecast now. everybody, rain from southern california to phoenix, albuquerque. heavy snow in the southern california mountains, southern rockies and much needed rain across south texas. showers in florida and georgia. freezing rain from minneapolis to the upper peninsula of michigan. >> 38, detroit. 41, omaha. 51, dallas. warm 81, miami. 40s from atlanta to boston. cool 60 in phoenix. sacramento, 55. this next story is a little crazy. we have all seen how far some charities will stoop using silly stunts to raise money. >> that's right. this is no stunt. this is a cat with 26 toes, eight more than normal. an animal shelter is banking on the freaky feline, daniel, to
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to help raise funds so it can relocate. >> the shelter's owners learned the rent would be double coming january 1. now they're asking for donations of $26, yeah, that's one for each of daniel's toes, to help with the move. so far they have raised $50,000 cute cat. 26 toes. i mean, you are a pet person. would you, mind that? >> i wouldn't mind it. i wouldn't mind it. i had a cat for 19 years, cleo. didn't have 26 toes. she was spoiled. >> i believe it. i have no trouble believing that. >> very spoiled. >> we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this. ♪ i shot right by with my tail in the air ♪ ♪ stray cats stray cats ♪ let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card,
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♪ stop ♪ oh yes wait a minute mr. postman ♪ ♪ wait ♪ please mr. postman look at me
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♪ you're feeling it. >> talking about mr. postman, he is going to be busy the next couple of weeks. most of what is going to be delivered will be purchased today. >> experts say online sales will hit more than $1 billion today. that's why they're calling it green monday. a new term. never knew that one. it's big. with more, he is abc's t.j. winick. >> reporter: the greatest race this time of year isn't just bargain shopping. it's getting all the presents, hundreds of millions of them, where they need to go for the holidays. >> only two weeks left until christmas. >> reporter: if you think santa and the elves have it tough, welcome to federal express. where it is a nonstop, 24/7 push to get those presents down the chimney or at least through the front door. >> santa comes once a year the i -- santa only comes once a year, i'm here every day. >> reporter: do you check it?
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>> definitely. make sure we deliver it on time. >> reporter: all kidding aside, the days ahead look like the busiest in the history of fedex. the busiest day of 2005, december 12, saw 9.8 million shipments. december 15, 2008, 12 million shipments. three years later, 17 million shipments are expected all over the globe. >> online shopping is the reason we are seeing so many packages. also, people like to ship their packages if they are traveling for the holidays. they don't want to carry them on the plane. >> reporter: in fact, the national retail federation expects half of us to shop on line. compared to 43.9% just a year ago. fedex vets like mickey rogers do get some help this time of year in the form of 20,000 additional workers. the holidays, he told me, are by far the happiest time to make deliveries. >> see a lot of happy kids? >> yes. >> people are like, hi.
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everyone is happy, happy to see you. >> good morning, how are you? thank you. >> tj winick. abc news. >> business is booming. u.s. online sales, are up 15%. >> ooh. >> thanks to that woman right there making sure your packages get there on time. >> i will make sure. i am into holidays. >> are you big, right? no matter what, rain, snow, sleet, hail. sunny will be there with your packages. that's right. well, coming up, alec baldwin pokes fun at his airline meltdown. >> we never will agree on this story. did he get the laughs he was looking for on "saturday night live." we'll be back with "world news now" right after this. @@@@ ú
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♪ come fly with me let's fly away ♪ that's it, that's it.
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perfect song for the next story. take it away. >> in case you weren't watching over the weekend, after some apparent words with a friend, alec baldwin had fun at his own expense following last week's little tantrum. you know i am obsessed with the story. >> yes, indeed. showed up on "saturday night live," familiar territory for alec and offered a not-so-sincere apology. >> so, let me get this straight -- you, captain rodgers, want to apologize to alec baldwin. >> yes, mr. baldwin is an american treasure. >> reporter: alec baldwin made a surprise visit to "saturday night live," first public appearance since being removed from a flight at l.a.x. last week. >> words with friends can be frustrati frustrating. i just started playing the game myself. when you think you are about to play jailers off of someone's
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quiche, you don't have the eye, that will make you slam the bathroom door, too. >> reporter: never missing a chance to poke fun at the airline. >> it was the first time in the history of american airlines that one of our flights was delayed. come on! >> reporter: he joins a long line of celebrities who have turned potential public humiliation into laughs. on the funny side, lindsay lohan created an e-harmony ad. >> a little bit about me. i'm an actress, singer, entrepreneur and kept 90% of all gossip web sites in business. >> who can forget paris hilton's 2005 appearance on "snl," just a week after her sex tape was released. >> there really is a paris hilton. is it hard to get into the paris hilton? >> reporter: baldwin broke character once. but always stayed on point. >> alec, are you sure this is the right way to handle this? >> yeah, yeah, keep going. keep going. >> not an apology. fanning the flames more.
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>> they need to apologize to him. a little power trip going on. what happened to customer service? >> you are dead wrong about this. >> ha-ha. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep.
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yes. but lately we've been using k-y® intense™. it stimulates arousal so the big moment is... (announcer) k-y® brand intense™ - intensifies female satisfaction. ♪ [ laughs ] ♪ ♪
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♪ "new year's eve," as i predicted, debuting in first at the box office this weekend. led with a paltry $13.7 million in receipts. still number one. >> paltry. someone who paid $13, ridiculous new york prices, for the pleasure of seeing it, amanda vanallen. as i predicted, it sucked? >> reporter: it was one of those chick flick, romantic comedies. kind of nice to see. it's the holiday season. like i said, it wasn't the best
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movie i have ever seen. >> even with 18,000 celebrities. >> there were a bazillion. there were celebrities, extras. alyssa milano, did she have lines? >> there were a lot of story lines. one of the movies, all the characters, connected all went around the plot of new year's -- what happens on new year's eve? everyone trying to get the kiss, teenager in high school to the older woman trying to get her groove back. >> let's take a listen. >> it was funny. >> kept me in suspense. >> yes, i liked the movie. >> funny. and kissed the old lady at the end. >> perfect holiday time. new year's eve coming in two
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weeks. great movie for the whole family. >> let me see. i don't know. i loved it all i guess. >> everyone loved it. >> everybody loved it. you have to be a certain kind of person to go to that movie. so if you just want to see something, happy, glorious, like sunny, you will go see it. >> good holiday fluff. >> how many stars? >> i gave it 2 out of 5 stars. wasn't the best. characters were awesome. cast was amazing. the plot was lacking the i couldn't give it a great score. >> did one celebrity stand out? ashton kutcher. he and leah michelle had a great plot line. they were really cute together. >> that could be the next couple. >> demi will not be happy about that. >> that's over. >> yes, it is. moving on. >> sorry you didn't have a better time. it is all good. that's all for this half-hour. more from abc coming right up. >> sorry you didn't have a ccccc
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this morning on "world news now" -- new abuse allegations. another athlete is claiming a coach sexually assaulted him when he was a teenager. now he's taking his secret public. >> he is not the only athlete making the allegations against a youth league basketball coach. it is monday, december 12th. good morning. i'm sunny hostin. >> i'm rob nelson. the accuser in this case, ralph west, says he was molested by his coach when he was 15 years old. we will hear the disturbing details and find out why he is now going public decades later. unbelievable. we seem to be in a downward spirals, penn state, syracuse, now this.
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>> it seems to be happening everywhere. maybe we're just learning more about it. >> coming more into the light now. next, what an american teenager did to escape from kidnappers in the philippines. an unbelievable story of survival involving a very clever boy. >> we'll hear his story coming up. later this half-hour, mothers struggling to pay the bills turn to medical experimentation to come up with extra cash. they're human guinea pigs for drug studies. and there are some serious pros and some serious cons. >> it's the economy i suppose. scary business. >> be careful. >> the latest child sex scandal to rock the sports world. this time, one of the largest sports organizations in the country is under fire. >> scary stuff here. amateur athletic union reviewing policies after two former basketball players accused its ex-president of molesting them as children. more now from abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: ralph west says he was 15 when it happened. his memphis basketball team was
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on a youth league trip in 1993 when he says his coach came into his hotel room and sexually assaulted him. >> i was dead asleep. i don't remember anything except waking up and he's trying to put his hand in my boxer shorts. i jumped up straight out of the bed. he is not there but laying on the floor next to me down by the bed. >> reporter: that coach was bobby dodd. he would become the head of the amateur athletic league. one of the oldest and largest in the country. west kept the secret for decades, but after the penn state scandal he decided to speak out. he claims the aau ignored him, so he broke his silence to espn's "outside the lines." a second former player who wants to remain anonymous, claims dodd molested him when he was 12. >> i can remember him touching me in ways that i didn't -- i didn't want another man touching me. >> reporter: dodd denied allegations when confronted by aau officials and left the
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organization in november. police are now investigating. >> we are shocked and deeply concerned about these serious allegations. >> reporter: with hundreds of thousands of kids participating in aau-sponsored events every year, parents are left wondering who they can trust. >> you have to check the coaches. you have to check who is leading the children. if you don't know the coach, find out about the coach. >> reporter: the aau admits it does not require background checks for the thousands of coaches that participate every year. but they tell a panel will be asked if that is a approximately see that needs to change. clayton sandell, abc news. >> if it is not the policy to screen coaches and people around children, it needs to be policy. teachers are screened. >> anyone who works with kids should be screened. in this day and age. the acting president of the aau said dodd is battling colon cancer but will not be returning when he makes a recovery. >> we'll see how that goes.
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former penn state coach joe paterno is recovering after fracturing his pelvis in a fall at his home. but a family friend says he will not need surgery. paterno initially injured his pelvis in august and is also undergoing radiation and chemotherapy from what is called a treatable form of lung cancer. paterno turns 85 next week. in related news, there's a dramatic new turn this morning in the penn state scandal that cost paterno his job. a family friend of assistant coach who saw jerry sandusky molesting a boy in the shower says he heard a different version of the story. that friend reportedly said that after the incident mike mcqueary told him he only heard what was going on in the shower but did not actually see anything sexual. a virginia family is celebrating the end of a five-month-long nightmare. islamic militants kidnapped a teenager during a family vacation in the philippines. using brains and bravery, the boy escaped.
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here's abc's correspondent. >> reporter: the first pictures of kevin lundsman in five months smiling and safe in the philippines. the 14-year-old from virginia outwitted his armed kidnappers friday telling them he was going to wash up in a stream, then running. he says he wandered in the jungle for two days. >> it was a tough time. it was a tough five months. i only know he is a hero. and i am so happy he escaped. >> reporter: villagers found him on an island, 25 miles from where he, his mother, and a cousin were kidnapped in july. they were on vacation when more than a dozen armed men from an islamic militant group stormed the resort in the middle of the night. kevin's mother was released in october after a ransom was paid. his cousin escaped in november. kevin's mother stayed in the philippines after she was released. the two were reunited, and aside from a few bruises, kevin is in good health. abc news, london. >> remarkable story. >> remarkable. >> the boy overheard his
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kidnappers talking. they were going to ask for $10 million in ransom money at one point. very lucky. those stories often don't have a happy ending. welcome back home for sure. well, former panamanian leader manuel noriega has been returned home to serve time. taken to jail after arriving in panama city. the 77-year-old will likely die in prison. he's been sentenced to 60 years for killing political enemies in the '80s, and of course has spent the past two decades in prison in the u.s. and france on drugs and money laundering convictions. to politics and fallout for mitt romney after this weekend's debate. republicans and democrats are calling romney out of touch after he made a $10,000 bet with rick perry. front-runner newt gingrich is facing heat after his debate performance. here's abc's david kerley. >> reporter: with another decent debate performance, newt gingrich is frightening some of his own party. >> i saw the damage to the republican party and congress.
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i think i owe it to constituents and country not to allow that to happen again. and if he did that as speaker, i am concerned what he would do as our nominee for president. >> reporter: it's not just one republican. others who worked with the former speak are loudly denouncing him. >> i found his leadership lacking. >> i believe newt gingrich is a gingrichite. all he cares about is newt gingrich. >> most of us are terrified to death that he would become the republican nominee. >> reporter: tom davis served and was promoted by newt gingrich but won't give him his endorsement. >> some republicans told me listen, this is a guy who couldn't run the house of representatives. how can he run the country. >> you can say a lot of things, sometimes ruled with an iron fist. you can't say he was a bad speaker. >> he was -- >> reporter: there were
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complaints, gingrich had a million ideas. many were a distraction. he lacked discipline and often put himself before the party. some republicans were put up, a coup led by house member lindsay graham in the late '90s failed. graham said gingrich matured but won't get his endorsement. >> he leveled out as a person. his worst critics will say newt is a guy that can hold a room. >> reporter: i spoke to many republicans critical of gingrich. many would not go on camera. why, they believe gingrich could win the nomination and seek retaliation. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> people are making a big deal out of this mitt romney, turned to perry and said, i'll bet you $10,000. shows he is out of touch. here's how wealthy he is. we already knew he was a multimillionaire. >> i don't like the $10,000 bet. i think with so many americans being in dire financial straits. losing their homes, their jobs, a skyrocketing unemployment rate, you can bet $10,000? ten cents. $10,000? >> a hyperbolic moment.
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we've all been in a conversation, i'll bet you $1 million. >> we haven't done that in a televised debate. >> rhetorical. people were looking for something to pounce on. >> i'm pouncing on it. i thought it was poor judgment. >> oh. so critical today. >> very critical. >> i'm always critical. >> except with alec baldwin. makes no sense. but here's your monday forecast now. stormy day in the southwest. up to a foot of snow in the california mountains and rockies. rain from l.a., albuquerque. downpours from san antonio to brownsville, texas. showers in south florida. and freezing rain in the upper i bet you $10,000 it's cold in the midwest. >> and foggy in portland. 39 in seattle. 27 in billings and 37 in salt lake city. 40s, kansas city to indianapolis. 46 in new york. 64 in new orleans. and now here we go again. time for our -- boom -- favorite story of the day here. >> where is it?
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>> it's monday. a little late. favorite story of the day. hundreds of scantily clad santas stormed the street of budapest to take part in a charity run. >> most were wearing swimsuits and santa hats. with temperatures hovering at 40 degrees, running the 2.5 mile route the only way they can keep warm. the money they raised goes to children in need. i don't like this. >> what's your problem? >> i don't want to see santa's junk. i want to say santa with a big belly, and i want to see a hat and i want to see ho-ho-ho. i don't want to see -- this. >> there are some ho, ho, hos out there. >> this is for children. a children's tale. i'm offended. >> santa has a hat. not bad. >> santa's junk is off-limits. shouldn't see that. >> bright side. 48 degrees. you didn't see all of santa's junk. we'll be back after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's "world news now." we'll be back after this.
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♪ ♪ we know a place where tossing and turning
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have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at
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there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ i work hard for the money ♪ i work hard for the money ♪ so hard for it honey >> donna summer. >> all right. we all know what a problem the economy has been lately. some people are getting rather creative to make some extra money. >> indeed. that includes some moms out there who volunteer to be something of a guinea pig, getting paid to participate in medical trials. abc's andrea canning has met a few of them. >> reporter: every day jennifer martinez scans the internet searching for the newest clinical trials. >> we are currently assisting other callers.
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>> reporter: she's got to be fast. there's a lot of competition for human guinea pig these days. especially moms looking for extra cash. >> i did one study and thought, okay, that's like a lot of money in a short amount of time. >> reporter: jennifer says she can make up to $5,000 for one trial. she has tested allergy sprays to wearable medical devices. >> for a week that i did it, it was $1,000. >> reporter: she says it was uncomfortable but worth it to be able to stay home with her children. one trial she regrets the one that required needles. >> i won't do that again. >> reporter: it's not just the money that's attractive. for annette santana, participating in drug trials has dramatically improved her health. >> my sugars are stable. >> reporter: yvette had to once choose between food and medicine. now her diabetes drugs are paid for, saving her up to $500 a month. while most trials are considered
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relatively safe, participants are warned about everything from headaches to liver damage. that's why jennifer martinez only enrolls in trials that promise side effects won't be severe. >> i do ones that i don't think are crazy, that have, you know, normal side effects. >> reporter: peace of mind for this mom giving up a piece of herself in the name of science. some things to remember about the trials, don't treat this as free medical advice. remember, you are a test subject, not a patient. also find out who pays if something goes wrong. remember most importantly, the higher the pay, the riskier the trial. andrea canning, abc news, new york. >> do that cash/risk assessment, folks. >> especially moms. coming up, lightening the mood when we come back. including the sexiest woman of all time. >> and one of oprah's favorites will sign off of his talk show. stay tuned for "the skinny."
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♪ so skinny >> welcome back, everybody. time for "the skinny." and "men's health" has not rated the hottest woman of the month,
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the year, the decade, they say the hottest woman of all time. coming in at number one, jennifer aniston. >> i don't see of all time. i think they're getting carried away. all time. you know i'm a jennifer aniston fan, terrific body for a woman in her 40s. >> 42. >> absolutely fantastic. of all time? of all time? >> you can't name anything all time. it's too subjective. she beat out raquel welch, mar marin monroe, madonna, pamela anderson, jane fonda. they say funny is sexy, and jennifer aniston is funny and say she has a down-to-earth persona. a girl next door. gorgeous, and famous all this kind of stuff. they like that. in case where angelina jolie fell on the list. she was number ten. they asked jen, who she would vote for, and she said bridgette bardot. gloria steinem. >> she is hot. smart call. smart call. of all time. that's subjective.
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well, lamar odom, chloe kardashian's husband, has been traded to the dallas mavericks from los angeles. so now apparently she has got to move. she's been tweeting about it. she has to move to dallas, texas. what does that mean for the kardashian empire. we know they have all of these television shows, and these reality shows. now she is going to move. apparently they were just about to undergo ivf treatments because they want to start a family. i think out of the three sisters, this is the sister that seems to be most real about her relationship with her husband. she loves him. >> we'll see if they can survive a trip down south to the great state of texas. people saying oprah winfrey's crown is slipping a little bit. one of the shows she produces, nate berk us, you know, his so how got the axe. oprah spinoff. last episode in may. we know her network is having trouble ratings-wise. there are some things here --
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people are wondering is oprah losing her touch. she still has dr. phil, dr. oz, and they make blockbuster ratings and money. we will see. nate is out of there. >> he is a wonderful guy. i have been a guest. he is going to be just fine. he is a designer. design company. i'm sure that we'll see him on tv again. now, lindsay lohan. unbelievable. on vacation in hawaii. she loses her $5,000 coco chanel purse, in her purse, passport, $10,000 in cash. probation paperwork. lucky for her, she has the it back. but $10,000 is missing. >> who does that? >> maybe she won a bet with mitt romney. >> maybe so. >> very interesting. quick here, barbra streisand, almost had to sue jill zarin. one of the "real housewives." jill went to a private show of barbara's. hosted on youtube. and lawyers said take that down or i will sue.
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♪ the freaks come out at night ♪ the freaks come out at night >> freaks come out at night. ain't that the truth. finally this half-hour, the silent film that is making lots of noise. if you have never heard of it, "the artist." >> and in this age of 3d and bells and whistles, "the artist" is getting raves for simple silence. incredible to me. shh. here's t.j. winick. >> reporter: when charlie chaplin was box office champ, the only peep or whisper was in the audience. fast forward to 2011, and the hollywood blockbuster is a roller coaster ride of imax and 3d and surround sound. a quiet day at the multiplex? unheard of. until now.
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♪ >> reporter: there's no need to adjust your volume. you see, "the artist" is a 2011 black and white silent film about silent films. the romantic comedy is also a tribute to some of the greatest movie moments. like "singing in the rain," it won awards. and several critics predict a best picture nod come oscar time. >> i look at "the artist." i thought we are missing something now where everything is just shoved in our faces. >> reporter: it's been a hit with older audiences but younger ones, too. maybe it's because our world today is filled with so many noises. they practically have their own sound track. >> we're overdoing it with all the stimulation. and there's a way that it washes over us. >> reporter: we took a sociologist to one of the loudest spots on the planet, times square.
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>> the silent film we are seeing is the kind of thing that can force you to get deep with yourself and interact it an old-fashioned way that turns out to be rewarding. >> the oscar goes to -- >> reporter: so if "the artist" does have the last word at next february's academy awards, don't be surprised if the roar of the crowd is downright deafening. t.j. winick, abc news, new york. >> i'm not sure if i would dig it? i just, i think i would fall asleep. >> yeah, i'm not sure -- oh! i love the hair-do. >> look at that. ha-ha! >> look at that. >> i love it. >> very, very funny. we will win oscars. check it out right here on abc february 26. check it out. >> i have to get my speech prepared. >> i would like to thank the academy. we'll be back, everybody. be back, everybody.
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